Deliver Engaging and Rigorous ELA Lessons While Increasing Student Learning Outcomes


As a principal, administrator, superintendent, or curriculum coach,
does any of this sound familiar?


Finding an effective ELA curriculum that meets both the needs of teachers and students while yielding positive academic results can be a daunting task. 

Identifying top-tier curriculum and providing tailored professional development opportunities for teachers can be challenging due to their diverse sets of needs and individual preferences. 

Teachers' apprehension toward new curriculum initiatives is a persistent issue as they often fear that the new content may fail to engage students and won't actually generate results.

You're concerned with results. It's not enough to just offer training and resources to your teachers—you have to make sure that it's actually making a difference. 

Well, we're here to help.

It is our mission at EB Academics to support and serve Middle School ELA Teachers by providing them with engaging and rigorous lessons in order to increase student learning outcomes—all while helping them find joy and sustainability in the profession. 

Ready to learn more? 

Let’s discuss what a successful reading and writing curriculum and professional development looks like for your teachers. We’ll work with you to identify the combination of EB Academics Programs to help you achieve your goals.


No two schools or districts are the same. Once we have identified which of our programs are most appropriate for your needs, we custom-tailor them to match your teachers’ and students’ unique needs.


We understand that your needs will change over time. That's why we offer continuous support and community for all our programs. We're here for you, your teachers, and your students throughout your journey with us.

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teachers served worldwide


of teachers surveyed say their level of confidence in teaching reading and writing has increased since joining our programs

About Us

Meet the Founders

We’re Caitlin and Jessica, and this all started when we were teaching across the hall from one another at a school in Los Angeles. 

One summer, we launched an ELA camp to help students get ahead for the summer, using the frameworks we’d developed for our own classrooms. It was a runaway success, and we realized that we wanted to share what we’d discovered with other teachers.

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 You’ll Be Happy With Your EB Experience—We Guarantee It!


All EB Academics Programs are covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee. We help your teachers feel confident in the classroom so that your students see increased learning outcomes.

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